Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Diana Cadogan

Date submitted
21 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

See my concerns about the Sizewell C project: Site Selection The project should not be located in Sizewell so close to Minsmere which is of such ecological importance. Being so close to the coastline it is at risk of being damaged if the sea rises or if there is flooding. This area could end up home to 5 nuclear reactors and stored waste. There up are to 8 other energy projects planned for this area and there is a lack of coordination of these projects. 2. Community, Economic and social impacts I am really worried that this project will destroy the peaceful nature of the area. Traffic and light pollution will go up exponentially and I worry about the risks to walkers, nature lovers and visitors, young and old alike who are currently able to enjoy walking in the local area with minimal disruption. On a personal note I worry about the increase on traffic down our street. This development will have a terrible impact on the local community bringing in huge numbers or workers (up to 6,000) to live in the area including 2,400 in a worker campus. I think the location of the campus is completely inappropriate and will have a very damaging effect on the local area. I also worry that the project will attract local workers away from their current employment leaving local businesses without staff. How will the local services such as health and social services not to mention emergency services cope with the huge increase in workers? 3. Transport The local area cannot sustain the high numbers of HGV’s needed for the project and the transport plan will have a terrible impact on the local community and the visitor economy. Traffic in the area will be extremely high in the first few years as the new road infrastructure is built. The new road system could damage communities and the rurual footpath system. I don’t think EDF have considered alternative relief road routes or the risk of rat running. 4. Environment and Landscape Huge list of concerns especially the damage that will be caused to Minsmere, such an important ecological site. How will the risks around flooding be managed? The dust managed from spoil heaps? How will the 3 million litres of potable water be drained and supplied? How will the natural environment and at risk species be protected ? What about the terribly impact the project will have on the character and the landscape of the local area? And the CO2 wont be offset for 6 years. 5. Marine and Coastal processes My concerns here include the impact on erosion on the coastal area; the flooding and ecological risks.; the impact of beach landing facility on coastal processes; the impact on the marine ecology. I see there is no complete design of HCDF available. 6. Application I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C.