Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Julia Wheeler

Date submitted
21 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I fully support the PINS representations made by TASC and STOP SIZEWELL C FLOODING: The planning application for two new nuclear reactors looks to be sheer madness. From reports read the site could likely be under water by 2050 if not sooner. The coastline in that area has been proven to be unstable and is eroding fast. Given that the sea level is also forecast to rise it will be an unprecedented disaster. NUCLEAR WASTE: There is still no long-term solution as to how to store/dispose of/recycle the nuclear waste which is ever increasing. A nuclear disaster waiting to happen. Terrifying. Spent Fuel Ponds potentially extremely dangerous – refer to Fukushima-Diiachi disaster. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Damaging to all from all aspects, both in the construction and operation of SZC ROADS/TRANSPORT: The scale of the construction operation and the transportation of both materials and workforce is out of all proportion to the roads, lanes, facilities and accommodation in the area. EDF claim 40% of materials will be delivered by rail or sea (how so?) that leaves 60% to come in by road which means hundreds of lorries plus the movement of the work force. DISRUPTION: Huge - unacceptable to residents and wildlife and visitors AONB/WILDLIFE: EDF say they pledge to "Respect the Suffolk Heritage Coast and minimise impact on Minsmere, Dunwich Heath, Leiston Abbey ..." Since they are trashing land classified as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, polluting a vast area of East Suffolk, importing thousands of workers, building blocks of accommodation on unspoilt land along with support services on the edge of a delightful village they cannot possibly be respecting it. DESIGN: The design for the reactors is not proven and the projects are seemingly unlikely to be sustainable or viable, there are better less dangerous more sustainable ways of producing power PERMANENCE: EDF has pledged to return the 'temporary' campus area and associated sites to a standard befitting the AONB - this seems unlikely to say the least. By the time the contract is completed (if it ever is) many years will have passed and its original status likely to be irretrievable, unaffordable, and would cause yet more disruption/disturbance at an enormous cost, further detriment to the environment. Given the way the economy is going as a result of Covid 19 it would likely be an unaffordable operation - and would the power that could be produced be needed?? Already part of Sizewell B has been shut down as more electricity is being generated than there is a requirement for. TOURISM will be a fast dwindling source of income on which many companies and individuals rely on for their income. LOCAL EMPLOYMENT: The workforce from Hinkley will be moved on here in vast numbers so there will not an employment opportunity for many local inhabitants. EDF also pledge to enhance the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of local communities – we don’t need enhancing, we need to live our lives peacefully without EDF’s Nuclear Projects INVESTMENT: Chinese investment a definite NO,NO.