Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Richard Dwelly

Date submitted
21 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed development of Sizewell C which I oppose on the following grounds: This site on the Suffolk coast is very vulnerable to rising sea levels and is surrounded by areas of outstanding natural beauty which will be irreparably damaged if this proposal is given the go ahead. At present ,these areas count amongst my favourite places to visit and enjoy with my family and we will be very sad to lose them. Such an enormous engineering project will require a huge increase in heavy road traffic, air and noise pollution ,large areas of land covered in concrete to provide new roads , roundabouts and car parking facilities , all at a time when the country is supposed to be reducing its environmental impact. The carbon reduction benefits which we are told Sizewell C will bring are not expected until 2040 which will be far too late to address the climate emergency. The benefits to the local economy are very dubious in my view as much of the workforce will be imported from the Hinckley site rather than the local jobs marketand there will be a huge negative impact on tourism during the many years of construction.