Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mr Stephen Chamberlain

Date submitted
22 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My Family concerns about Sizewell C. Only France and England still build Nuclear Power stations, they are considered obsolete technology, and take years to build. None of the EDF-EPR nuclear power stations work and EDF want all UK residents to pay a nuclear tax on their electricity bills for EDF’s incompetence. EDF say Sizewell C will be carbon neutral, but that is only after 2040, due to all the carbon they use to build SizewellC. The spent fuel will stay on site until 2140 as there is no long term waste nuclear treatment facility in England to process the fuel. So it will be up to future generations to build and pay to recycle our nuclear waste. Do we want our electricity to be controlled by the China? Wind power, solar power, wave power is the future and are quicker, cheaper to build, commission, maintain and far greener than nuclear power. Sizewell A,B, & C on the Suffolk coast could be potential terrorist target. If there is a radiation leak from the site, accident or terrorist attack, the local roads are not adequate for a mass exodus all trying to get on the A12. What planning has EDF done about the scientist forecast for the rise in sea level due to Antarctic Thwaites glacier melt? Increase in traffic noise and pollution from cars and lorries using the A12, B1122 and the increase in vehicle and human accidents due to workmen speeding on country roads. SizewellB staff speed every day past the refuse tip, even though there are 30mph speed signs, but the police/council do nothing! Will EDF use 15,000 tonnes of granite from Pembrokeshire in Wales to protect SizewellC, 33ft high sea wall defence (how deep below sea level?) like Hinkley Point, surely this is not cost effective and not carbon neutral? Nature: Due to excavating massive holes, building massive concrete structures which will produce huge spoil heaps to the height of a 10 storey building, the water levels will change, ground pollution will happen, constant noise and light from 24 hour working for 15 years and this will have a devastating affect Wildlife, Flora & Fauna. What impact will it have on Sizewell marshes adjacent to SizewellC, which is a SSSI? What impact will it have on AONB which covers the coastal area south of Lowestoft to Ipswich and coastal erosion? What impact will it have on RSPB Minsmere and especially the Bitterns/Marsh Harriers? Any mitigation will take years to recover. If SizewellC is the same as Hinkley Point what impact will the two 3.5km cooling tunnels and a 1.8km outfall tunnel have on marine life, if they are transferring 120,000 litres of water per second from the North Sea? All my points will impact on tourism in this area and this area of Suffolk relies on tourism to exist! Tourists come to the East coast of Suffolk as it is quiet, exceptional wildlife and lovely walks, all this will change if Sizewell C goes ahead.