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Representation by Neil Ford

Date submitted
22 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sirs/Madam, I wish to raise the following issues of concern and objection to the plans for Sizewell C. 1. Location of site It is the wrong project in the wrong area, ie. an area designated as an AONB. I understand the site is at future risk from sea level rise and flooding. It will have an adverse impact on adjacent internationally designated sites of ecological importance and sites of amenity, cultural heritage and landscape value 2. Economic and Social impacts The plans will have impacts on local communities - severance, traffic, significant increases in noise, light pollution and disruption. 6,000 workers will come and live in the area, 2,400 in a Worker campus in a location that I oppose. Tourism will be adversely affected. Pressure on local housing especially in private-rental sector. 3. Environment and Landscape Flooding risk Despoiling the AONB. Pollution from light, noise and traffic and dust Irreparable harm to RSPB Minsmere - a reserve of international importance and significance. Catastrophic impact on landscape character because of locality, design and scale; construction severs the AONB Impossible to compensate for landscape and ecological damage The electricity eventually generated will not offset CO2 from construction for many years Impacts on marine ecology I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C campaign, the RSPB and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Yours faithfully, Neil Ford