Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Stephen Beaumont

Date submitted
22 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern to me. The Site. The site is too small for the development proposed and the proposed design is likely to lead to serious coastal erosion. The sea defences shown are inadequate. Transport. In their original proposals regarding the movement of freight EDF said that 80% of this would come by sea. The use of rail is a token gesture only. It is now clear that 90% of freight wil be carried by trucks on road. The daily traffic figures produced indicate a massive overload for the road system in East Suffolk. The Sizewell Link Road (SLR) proposed is too disruptive to homes, farms and Listed Buildings and will provide no legacy. The Highways Authority have recommended a new access road to the site D 2 whih is a far better option causing less disruption with a legacy, but this has repeatedly been ignored by EDF. Pretty Road. This is the principal local access road for 100s of local homes and businesses to and from Saxmundham with its station, supermarket, shops and services. SZC proposes to close this to accommodate SLR. SZC proposes to build a bridge over the SLR for pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders. This could quite easily be enlarged for vehicular traffic to continue current use. Theberton Hall. The bridge proposed above will prevent access to the Hall drive after 400 years of use. The local pollution - noise, light and dust - caused by the construction of SLR and the use of it will destroy future use of the Hall as a home. Local environment. This will be ruined for both humans, flora and fauna by the destruction of the existing both on and near the site, and by the access to it. Nuclear waste. The proposed storage needed for the increase in radioactive waste at the Sizewell site caused by SZC will make the are the larest nuclear dump in Europe, if not the world. A better solution is needed. Local communities. The massive disruption to be caused by the influx of 6,000 workers, traffic and pollution to both transport, social and emergency services will adversely affect all communities locally. Local economy. The construction of SZC and its related traffic and pollution will destroy the local tourist industry and the employment it supports. The increased road traffic and diversions will adversely affect many local busineses. The employment opportunities in both the construction and management proposed by SZC do not stack up. The lack of honest engagement by SZC with the local communities despite the 4 sham consultations has led to the realisation that cost is always their overriding interest. Please note I consider the SZC DC application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.