Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Chris Ure

Date submitted
22 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sizewell is a totally unsuitable location for a twin-reactor nuclear power station to be built. It is on a very vulnerable and unstable part of the east coast which remains at ongoing risk of flooding and coastal erosion and it is also in an area of environmental protection. In the event of an incident at Sizewell it would be quite impossible to evacuate the area. The roads would immediately become gridlocked and the local population would not be able to escape to safety. This rural, coastal area would also become heavily industrialised during the building process with a vast number of vehicle movements affecting n impact on tourism and having a major impact on the local environment with loss and damage to of important wildlife sites. The evidence in both Europe and the UK is that nuclear is unaffordable. At Hinkley Point there have been major technical and environmental failures resulting in the build cost doubling and the strike price being uneconomical. Sizewell must not be evaluated only on local issues, but also in relation to the phasing out of nuclear power stations across Europe and the major advances being made with renewable energy, particularly carbon capture and battery storage. It must also be considered in relation to the issues of nuclear waste for which there is no safe disposal and the risk of accidents such as Fukushima. There are very strong local objections to this newbuild on the basis of safety, security and cost. I record my strong objection and would wish my view to be considered in the consultation process.