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Representation by Nicki Bell

Date submitted
22 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This is the relevant representation of Nicki Bell to the Planning Inspectorate regarding the NNB Generation Company Limited DCO Application for Sizewell C New Nuclear Power Station and associated works. I own a house in Marlesford and am aware of the EDF proposals for Sizewell C and wish to comment on them because if the project is approved, many aspects of the proposals will have a seriously negative impact on myself and my family and the rest of the Marlesford Community for the duration of the 9 -12 year construction phase. Although there may be some benefits from the building of Sizewell C to the local economy, the negative impact on the people who live in this area will be significant and I have particular areas of concern. To position a Southern Park and Ride on the hill between Hacheston and Marlesford, which is overlooking the Special Landscape Areas of the River Ore and Deben is totally inappropriate and its elevated position will be visible from numerous points in the area. I along with many other villagers am concerned about the amount of noise, pollution (both fumes and light) and traffic that will emanate from the scheme for many years and will make life intolerable. At night, the skies are dark in Marlesford, one of the great joys of living in the countryside. If the P&R is lit for 24 hours and use of tall lighting towers is permitted, our dark skies will be no more and species such as bats will suffer. Dust will blow down from the construction site as will the fumes from all the vehicles, thereby affecting the quality of our air. I am also concerned that a Two Village Bypass in place of the much needed 4 Village bypass is short-sighted and totally inadequate. If a two village bypass goes ahead, there will be no possibility of a linking bypass with Marlesford and Little Glemham at some point in the future because of the design that has been proposed. EDF say that “the junction between Bell Lane and the A12 does not require improvement” but as a daily user of the junction I can state that what is already a dangerous nightmare to pull out and cross the road before being driven into at high speed by oncoming traffic (ignoring the 40 MPH speed restriction) will become intolerable with the huge increase in traffic that will ensue with the P&R at Hacheston. Our local roads will become “rat runs” as locals try to avoid the traffic chaos and pedestrians will no longer be able to cross the road to visit the shop. In addition, the whole length of the A12 towards Lowestoft is in desperate need of improvement, so to skimp and simply bypass such a tiny section seems madness. Signed Nicki Bell