Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Carole Lee

Date submitted
22 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am not opposed to nuclear power and I acknowledge that Sizwell A and B have been well run (we often use that beach). But, I am strongly opposed to the Sizewell C project: The size is far too big for the area: damage to the environment, damage to the local economy, damage to local life from overloaded roads and services for many years during construction. Mitigating plans by EDF are inadequate. The position is too risky, on a coastline that is eroding. The technology is too risky: faults in plants in France and Finland. The cost is far too high: £20bn (originally £6bn) and guaranteed £92.50 perMw. This region has a flourishing hospitality and tourist economy which this project proposal has vastly underestimated and will blight. Even post Covid, there are faster and more sustainable ways to recover. I endorse Stop Sizewell C's Relevant Representation.