Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Patricia Fridd

Date submitted
22 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The environmental impact Sizewell C will have on wildlife is indisputable. RSPB Minsmere, quite rightly, are gravely concerned about the affects it will have on the fragile eco-system. Minsmere is vitally important nature reserve. Suffolk County Council has expressed many times it's concerns about the impact the huge increase in road haulage will have on communities. As a local village resident, it will undoubtedly make my local roads far more dangerous with the increased traffic. There is a huge outcry as to why the use of rail and sea is not being considered more seriously as more effective way of transporting aggregates etc. Many small town and villages will be used as rat-runs and as as a result, will increase the possibility of fatalities of either other road users or pedestrians.