Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Karen Gwynne-Vince

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe that EDF have not shown due deference to the Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and wildlife that exists in this area, and have not shown how they will mitigate the destruction of nationally important and varied habitats. EDF have chosen to nominate road transportation over rail and sea for the thousands of trucks that will deliver aggregate etc to the site. The infrastructure in this region is in no way adequate to deal with this level of additional haulage vehicles and will cause major disruption to the many small communities surrounding the site and on the roads into Sizewell. The existing Sizewell sites employ few local people, I do not therefore believe the estimates quoted by EDF for new jobs at Sizewell C to be correct. I would like proof of the jobs that will be available LONG TERM not just for construction. Worker sites will affect the struggling tourist economy in this area and create eyesores on the edges of our villages.