Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Marie Rolfe

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am concerned about the disruption of habitats at a time when ecosystems are severely under threat and species are being lost through climate change and human activity. I am not convinced that the European Pressurized Reactor is a reliable, safe option. I find the Community Newsletter misleading on several points and particularly it's claim that the Suffolk coast at that section is 'stable and secure'. Sizewell C will take 10 years to build and we need to address the level of carbon emissions immediately. The cost of construction has escalated to £20 billion from the original £6 billion, this is not a sound expenditure at this difficult time when Covid has resulted in severe national debt and the future is still unknown. I believe the local community will be severely disrupted during construction and the nature of the area will be affected for the future, damaging tourism . The project is out-dated, expensive and damaging.