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Representation by Andrew Vince

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am principally concerned about two issues; The first is the impact on an Area of outstanding natural beauty by countless lorries using the lanes in this area to access the site. In my view the existing network is not up to the task and the continual flow of heavy traffic will have an adverse impact on a fragile and special environment. Surely EDF could use the existing rail lines to transport much of the material, and given the overall cost of the project it cannot be beyond their means to upgrade the network so that it is fit for purpose. My second concern relates to the impact that the development will have on the wildlife and habitats that exist in close proximity to the site. The nationally important RSPB Reserve of Minsmere is adjacent, and I am not convinced that EDF have been clear enough in explaining what measures they intend to put in place to mitigate the serious effects that the development will have on the location. I have an interest here as I am an RSPB member and also volunteer at the reserve. (I have already submitted my concerns over this on the 'Love Minsmere' document. The RSPB have spent 70 years developing and managing a world class nature reserve and it is not good enough that EDF appear to dismissing the concerns of thousands of people out of hand