Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Graham Lanman

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to oppose the proposed development of Sizewell C on the following grounds: The site is inappropriate for the following reasons. Part of the development will be within an AONB, and will adversely affect the area, especially at Minsmere. This is also an area of coastal erosion, and with predicted sea level rises it does not appear to be a sensible place for a nuclear reactor. The problem of increased traffic will be enormous, with the predicted number of HGV movements, and will adversely affect the lives of a great many people for several years. Has the long-term cost of storing the nuclear waste been fully researched, and who will be responsible for this, EDF or the UK government - i.e. us? If EDF, what happens if they cease to trade?