Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Miss Gemma Hockley

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am extremely concerned with the affect EDF's Sizewell C project will have on our already busy little village of Campsea Ashe. On a daily basis (excluding cars) we already have 50-60 different heavy duty vehicles such as tractors/HGV & LGV lorries/articulated lorries/dump trucks/field cultivators/combine harvesters/construction vehicles. This large vehicles travel through the narrow road of Ashe Row each day at high speeds, only breaking at the last minute round the tight bend next to my house. When there is two large vehicles on both sides of the road, they mount the kerb or plough into overhanging shrubs at the side of peoples gardens. My house on [Redacted], is on approach to a sharp turn, and even though our road is 30 MPH throughout, huge vehicles pushing 50 MPH on approach to this turn, break only at the last minute right near our house. It's very frightening as I worry vehicles will not stop in time, and vehicles coming the other way, have to crazily mount the kerb outside our front garden to avoid hitting the vehicle on the opposite side. I will not allow my son to play in the front garden, because I don't trust the tractors that fly down here, or the farm trucks carrying thousands of kilos of potatoes or corn, loosely packed in the back of their lorries. My concern with Sizewell C, is that traffic and HGV's will increase even further, damaging the roads of Ashe Row which are not meant to take such daily heavy weight, also damaging the kerbs when mounted in order for vehicles to pass one another. Ashe Row used to be a quiet road and over the last three years has become progressively worse, due to increasing HGV/tractors etc. When there is an issue with the A12, traffic is currently diverted through Ashe Row, causing increased traffic flow, like a dual carriageway. If the A12 causes traffic to be diverted during Sizewell C construction, I do not know how the roads will cope with it. Quiet villages such as Campsea Ashe should remain as so, and not allowed to become small cities, to accommodate the daily traffic flow created by Sizewell C. Sizewell C will seriously affect the village's way of life, adding noise, pollution, environmental damage, road damage and misery to its community. Please consider the lives of the villagers here, as well as preserving Campsea Ashe as it currently is.