Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Margaret Carswell

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a home owner in the village of Marlesford I am writing to you to express my main concerns about the proposed building of a new nuclear power station at SizewellC.? ? The main concerns are as follows:? ? The plans include the construction of a Park and Ride just off the A12 and overlooking the village of Marlesford.? The proposed siting of this would be very detrimental to Marlesford.? As well as the proposed 1,250 cars that would use the site and the numerous buses used to transport the workers to and from the building site, it is also proposed that the P&R should act as an emergency lorry park.? The necessary lighting of the site would be an unpleasant, continuous and highly obtrusive blight on the rural landscape, as would be the greatly increased noise levels.? No amount of shielding would prevent the light ruining the dark skies of Marlesford.? Similarly, the proposed attempts to muffle the noise emanating from the site (bunds and hedges) would have very little real effect and constitute mere window dressing.? Further and better information is required for the proposed traffic incident management area and the vehicle movements both day and night in the postal consolidation facility. EDF states that the construction period would be some 12 years.? Unfortunately, judging by the experience of Flammanville and Finland, the reality will be that the estimated time will be considerably more than this. ? The proposal to build a 2-village bypass, instead of bypassing all four villages, has not been properly thought through.? As proposed, the 2-village bypass would make it extremely difficult, if even possible, to enlarge it in the future to a 4-village bypass.? The expense alone of such a strategy means that it will almost certainly not be built any time in the foreseeable future. We understood that the A12 was to be improved as a key strategic corridor for Suffolk, part of the SEGWay plan. A 2-village bypass would make this a nonsense. Quite apart from the effect of traffic noise, the difficulties for Marlesford residents, and other drivers, to access the A12 at Bell Lane will increase enormously.? The increased danger to pedestrians, including children, trying to cross the A12 at that point is self-evident.? Finally, it would seem that the technology of the proposed EPR reactor is not yet proven, as demonstrated by the multiple problems in construction, rising costs and extreme delays demonstrated in Finland, Flammanville and Hinkley Point.? Thought should be given to investing in newer nuclear power generation – such as is being developed by Rolls Royce, rather than investing a lot of time and money on a soon-to-be obsolete technology. Margaret Carswell 446 words