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Representation by Sue Tugwell

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. The impact of the access road across from my Grade 2 listed cottage, volume and noise of HGV traffic during construction, light pollution, all destroying the tranquillity of the area and a negative impact on my life All local roads are not suitable for this traffic even with proposed new road infrastructure leading to years if misery for local residents. 2. The site could be at risk from further coastal erosion and sea level rise and has an adverse impact of surrounding SSI. The unresolved issues of the long term storage of waste is a big problem. 3. The whole community will be disrupted for years by the build, the influx of so many workers, a campus just down the road from my property with thousands of workers. The loss of tourism which is so important to the local economy. Undue pressure on all local services and housing. Doubts about skilled jobs going to local people. 4. There will be huge impacts on the local environment, possible flooding, pollution from light, traffic and construction, dust from the spoil heaps and risks to habitats and ecology. Harm will be done to Minsmere which is the flagship of the RSPB and of international importance and vital to the community. It will be impossible to make good the local landscape and damage to ecology. 5. I wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C. I wish to state that I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.