Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Charlie Williams

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Regardless of which way you choose to get into the issues. (e.g. impact on nature, sea defences, traffic, marine environment, building on an eroding coastline, energy and material requirements, pollution, spiralling costs and finance of previous project, Chinese funding). As a simple baseline; the destruction of Suffolk heritage sites... to replace them with a nuclear station (which energy projections suggest we will not even need) cannot be something that makes good sense to move ahead with. The UK does not need additional power infrastructure from nuclear developments such as Sizewell C - not only is the risk of the proposal outlined here [Redacted] tthere is evidence that the project is more about the survival of the French nuclear industry than the necessity of the Sizewell C scheme to provide electricity to UK customers. Renewables are known to out compete nuclear and would have far less environmental impact yet do not appear to have been considered. Instead we should be proposing more clean energy schemes such as this one announced this week in neighbouring Norfolk if more energy infrastructure is truly needed - [Redacted] It will be catastrophic for wildlife. The building work may increase erosion, upsetting the delicate balance of the reserve. It will affect the water levels in Minsmere’s ditches, impacting its rare wetland wildlife, which includes bitterns, otters and ducks. Once the construction is in progress, it will increase levels of noise and light pollution. Rare marsh harriers, breeding ducks and geese and wading birds are very sensitive to this. The effects will be long-term. Please consider the above. It is extremely important that Sizewell C does not go ahead.