Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Guy McGregor

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The site for the proposed construction of two nuclear reactors to generate electricity is not large enough for the proposal; The technology proposed has not been successfully brought to a conclusion at other locations; The site for this proposal is unsuitable for a number of reasons including: the location on marsh land means that an extensive platform will have to be constructed causing the need for considerable extra aggregates and if constructed cause damage to the fragile wetlands; being located in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty will destroy the essential qualities of such designation; being located at considerable distance from the national road network means that local unsuitable roads will be used to bring in the materials for the construction which will mean considerable damage to these roads and the traffic proposed will cause local congestion; the traffic management proposals are road based and there is insufficient utilisation of rail and marine opportunities; The design proposed is of a poorer quality than Sizewell B and does not recognise the national importance of the site. The length of the Construction Period will cause unacceptable burden on residents of East Suffolk.