Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Caroline Stanley

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am deeply concerned about the following if this project goes ahead: 1. The permanent changes to biodiversity. 2. The damage to the Tourist Industry as Suffolk Coast and Heaths are areas of outstanding natural beauty. 3. The huge increase in large vehicle traffic which will affect the ability of locals, business, and tourists to use the roads over the 12 year period it is predicted the building of Sizewell C will take. 4. The damage to the social fabric of the local communities who will not benefit as was found when the last addition to the power station was built when workers were brought in from outside Suffolk to work. 5. The expense of the proposed Sizewell C project as opposed to investing in green alternatives that will not harm the environment in the future. Also in this context, the energy that Sizewell C is predicted to provide does not, based on the evidence, provide energy far enough into the future to make it worthwhile over investment in green energy. 6. Due to climate change and our eroding coast I am concerned for future generations about the safety of storing radioactive waste. I walk this coast and have seen the erosion and an increase in extreme weather. Specifically when the sea brakes over the banks in front of the power station.