Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mr A Noble

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

It is a sad indictment of the worlds decision makers that it has taken a 16yr old girl, (Greta Thumberg) to point out the reason for our planets environmental depletion; mainly emphasis being put on investment, jobs, and so called economic progress. The same arguments are being used by EDF energy. But we now have a chance to reverse this trend. Many of the claims being made by EDF have now been questioned by an independent enquiry EDF argue that building this power station is carbon neutral. Of course this is not true as we will embark on a ten year build with new roads that destroy countryside and an ancient forest. Future generations will be left with three crumbling buildings an a hundred years of Nuclear Waste. We have been told that the three wind farms of the eastern shore will account for85% of our energy; with three new farms planned why do we need a Nuclear Station? Nuclear power is outdated and we should now be pursing the new environment sensitive alternatives. It particular Sizewell beach is an area with important flora a fauna. The beach and its environs are much used by people, whether walking,riding ,or walking dogs. On some days it has proved very popular with people coming from far and wide resulting in full car parks. Of particular worry is its affect on Minsmere an internationally renowned nature reserve that attracts thousands of people from all over the world.This area is an A.O.N.B. making it equal to a National Park. I urge you tyo reject this application