Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Janet Poll

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Noise, dust and light pollution from the main site will be a problem for local residents. Security will be problem. The accommodation block is sited in the wrong place in a rural area. The transport system will not cope with the volume of traffic which will cause congestion, pollution, rat running and movement of agricultural vehicles will be very difficult. Local traffic will struggle to operate with the extra volumes expected from Sizewell C. Farmland will be divided up into unviable land areas due to the road and railway line. Emergency services may have problems in the traffic flow to get where they are needed in a timely manner. The environmental impact has not been fully examined - such as fresh water supply, wildlife mitigation etc. Local businesses may loose staff to Sizewell C making it impossible to survive.