Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Martin Clarke

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sizewell C. Relevant Representation I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C: Stored waste: This site was never designed to store nuclear waste. It is extremely concerning that all the nuclear waste is destined to remain close to my home. The negative impact on the local community will be huge. Influx of workers will overwhelm the local area. Lorries will cause chaos on local roads making it impossible to carry out normal journeys like going to work, shopping, taking kids to school etc. Thus negative influence on local businesses. Emergency evacuation has not been addressed. Our one access road would be gridlocked immediately and vulnerable people stranded. New by-pass proposals will cut swathes through agricultural land and no doubt be followed by new-build housing projects. Local lanes will be used for rat runs every time there is congestion. This is a very quiet area so all construction noise on the new site will be audible for miles. Light pollution from the site will have negative impact on the area which is renowned for its lack of ambient light at night time. I don’t believe the impact from the spoil heaps and borrow pits has been addressed adequately It will have a catastrophic impact on this AONB The construction will lead to massive CO2 emissions The costs are astronomically absurd and it is still not clear where funding will come from