Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Veronica Worrall

Date submitted
23 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

A few Key concerns 1. Degradation of an important space designated AONB - impact on ecology, wild life, 2. Degradation of an area renown for well being - tourism and leisure - loss of natural beauty and space for walking etc 3. Local infrastructure insufficient - necessitating new roads and housing not needed longer term - unless the whole are becomes an industrial site - negating AONB status ! 4. Local services not able to support high influx - e.g. medical care already under pressure 5. Long term environmental issues of nuclear waste - increased with coastal position and sea level rise. 6. Governmental cost effectiveness of project now not viable with alternate energy sources 7. Major concern - putting UK nuclear and energy supplies in control of foreign powers. .....and so on