Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Clare Hawes

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This project is insupportable in this area on numerous points. The issue of coastal protection has not been considered by EDF. The impact of the extraordinary increase in traffic on our roads, and workers on our services, is totally unsustainable. Plans for a new road carving up the beautiful Suffolk countryside have been taken up by EDF instead of the suggestion for a more long-term positive one that might at least give something back. Our economy will be devastated in the future when we lose our tourism (remarkably increased since covid) both short term when the roads will be too busy and long-term when the tranquility and serenity of Minsmere and Dunwich are no longer there to attract them in the first place. There has been no proper assessment of the impact on other areas like Walberswick or Southwold. We do not have the structure or services in this part of the country to support this massive project and I urge you to reject this proposal on all grounds.