Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ian Rowlands

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following issues of concern: Environment & Landscape I believe there will be an irreparable impact on our landscape because of locality, design and scale; we are in AONB and this development is entirely inappropriate? There will be enormous landscape and ecological damage Minsmere - a site of international importance and significance for wildlife and huge tourism draw - will be hugely impacted. What of the integrity of the Special Protection Area? ? Pollution from light, noise and traffic will have enormous adverse impacts on eco-systems and landscape ? Flooding risks and abstraction of water adds to the risks to the environment and to protected species - what of groundwater levels and surrounding habitats and ecology?? The use of nuclear fuel and inadequate long-term plans for storage of waste is an environmental hazard for countless generations to come and for wildlife Site Selection  I believe this is the wrong project in the wrong place at the wrong time for reasons stated above In addition there are eight other uncoordinated energy projects planned for this area  On a site that is proven to be at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding  What will future generations make of a site that could become an island containing 5 nuclear reactors and stored waste??? Community  Without doubt there will be huge negative impacts on local businesses Tourism: EDF’s own surveys suggest 29% of visitors could be deterred from visiting the are - it is likely to be a far higher figure, especially given that this is just one of many large-scale proposed energy developments Tourism has proved - especially air a time of coronavirus - to be of enormous significance for the area. Projections suggest that we may lose up to £40m a year and 400 jobs in tourism ? Local communities and visitors will be landed with traffic, significant increases in noise, light pollution and disruption - a powerful disruptive and long-term legacy? This is not a project for our local community - 6,000 workers will come and live in the area, 2,400 in a Worker campus in a peaceful rural location? “90% of lower-skilled, lower-paid roles in Site Support” is what EDF expects local people to fill - we have ample historical evidence that the community will see no long-term resultant prosperity of up-skilling? Coastal processes  No complete design of the HCDF is available and hard coastal defence features have a proven impacts on coastal processes with ecological damage and inherent flood risks? Erosion and recession rates and episodic and unpredictable - this is the wrong site for development of this kind, with no regard for the future? This is an area of importance for marine ecology that will be adversely impacted by this development - especially when combined with the other proposed energy projects in the area ?? I endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by RSPB, Suffolk Wildlife Trusts and Stop Sizewell C. In addition I think the Sizewell C application is totally unsuitable for a digital examination process.