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Representation by Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council (Rushmere St Andrew Parish Council)

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Parish councils

As the main development is well distant from our area of interest our concern is mainly of Freight Management. We note that a facility is proposed located to the South-East of the A12 and A14 junction South-East of Ipswich, it would include parking for 154 HGVs. SZCs figures for HGV movements depend as to Rail LED or Road LED but to take a integrated figure a typical day at peak would consist of 325 HGVs (650 movements) and on busiest days this increases to 500 HGVs (1000 movements) Whilst accepting that not all of the HGV traffic will use the A12/A14 route’s most are likely to as there are few suitable alternatives. Traffic from Felixstowe docks is expected to increase substantially post Brexit amongst other commercial considerations. Adding the proposed Freight Management Park we could well see an additional load on the Orwell Bridge of anything between 500-1000 HGV’s daily. We are concerned as to the capacity of this bridge and its maintenance periods. Moving on to Martlesham, most of the heavy traffic will use the A12 route through there, this route at peak times is very busy, adding this additional HGV traffic plus the domestic traffic using the rapidly expanding retail park, plus the 2000 homes still to be built nearby then in our view gridlock is very possible in that area. It is concerning that with an additional 8000 people needing local services, extra strain will be placed on the Police, Fire Services and Medical Services.