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Representation by Caroline Mason-Gordon

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I'm writing to you as an 18-year-old resident of Saxmundham, Suffolk, deeply concerned about the future of the county I have grown up in and the wider implications that this nuclear plant will have on the climate crisis that threatens every aspect of our world.  I passionately believe that it is the government's duty at this time to commit to building a green future to protect the people it is meant to serve. I feel that those in power have horrifically failed me and other young people in fighting for and ensuring a better future for us to grow up in; the decision to continue with the construction of Sizewell C exposes this. Every pound invested in SZC could be spent on cheaper, faster renewables, investment in energy efficiency, storage, CCS, dal and vital flexibility adaptations to the grid plus efficiency adaptations to our homes which would secure the government's commitment to net-zero by 2050. Furthermore, the destruction of our coastline Sizewell C proposes deeply shocks and saddens me: loss of rare invertebrates, misleading claims for Biodiversity Net Gain, threats to the eco-hydrology of Sizewell Marshes SSSI, destruction of Suffolk Shingle Beaches County Wildlife Site, negative permanent effects of three new roads, coastal erosion and flooding, impacts of the cooling system on marine wildlife. This nuclear power plant represents a fundamental disregard for the wonderful nature of this county and of the whole world, and thus willful neglect to create a better future for myself every young person. That is why it cannot go ahead.