Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Ms J D Clark

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have the following concerns about Sizewell C: Overall • The scale of the development is too large: o For this fragile and environmentally sensitive location o For a site where significant reliance cannot be made on marine or rail transport during the construction period, thereby going counter to the National Policy Statement o Given the cumulative impacts of the eight other energy projects planned for the area. • The funding of the development is not yet finalised: if planning permission is granted, our region could be blighted for years for no potential benefit. Related issues are: o EDF states that the construction work could take 9 to 12 years. Has this broad range/uncertainty been reflected in the cost estimate? o Whilst vague mitigation activities are proposed to reduce the risks identified in the Environmental Statement, it is unclear whether these are designed or fully costed o Investment by the Chinese raises security issues. Short term impacts during the construction period • Transport: o Construction traffic is planned to ramp up before the proposed road improvements are made: the existing roads cannot cope with this. Shift changes at Sizewell already lead to delays at key junctions eg the B1122 and A12; o Whilst road improvements are being made, further congestion is inevitable over a 24 month period, as roads need to be closed/temporary traffic lights used etc: a recent road closure at Theberton illustrates the problem, resulting in lengthy diversions via Saxmundham and “rat running” along single track roads; o The Sizewell Link road: whilst a new road to take pressure off existing roads is sensible, the route of this road goes too close to residential properties in Theberton, Middleton and Fordham: have alternative routes been evaluated effectively? • Amenity and recreation: o The coast and hinterland have always provided tranquil space which is essential for the mental and physical wellbeing of local residents: the construction programme will adversely impact on our enjoyment of the area. Long term impacts during the operational period • Environment: o The number of European, national and local environmental designations in the area reflect the importance of the coast and its immediate hinterland. I share the concerns of the RSPB and Suffolk Wildlife Trust that the 9 to 12 year construction programme will cause irreparable, short and long term damage to the landscape and wildlife of the region due to noise, air and light pollution and changing of the ground water levels. • Coastal hydrodynamics/Climate change resilience: o If the eroding nature of the coast makes marine transportation impossible, how can we be confident that the sea defences required to protect the main platform from this erosion are adequate (and costed/funded)? Has the impact of these proposed sea defences on the coast to the south and north been taken into account? o It is not socially responsible to be proposing to develop two more nuclear reactors at a site which is vulnerable to the potential impacts of climate change/sea level increases.