Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Andrea Russell

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Sizewell is the wrong place for the proposed new development. It is in an AONB with many environmental protection orders because of the unique habitats surrounding it. The construction work itself will discourage the many visitors who come to this area for its peace, tranquility and wildlife for a period of several years, which will harm the local economy. The proposed development doubles the size of the existing site. The transport links, even with the proposals for improvements, are inadequate given the remoteness of the site from major infrastructure. Climate change is going to have an impact on a coast which is already prone to erosion. It is in an area which regularly suffers drought and no meaningful solution has been offered for the provision of potable water. Regardless of the debate over the green credentials of nuclear energy, the construction process itself will be environmentally damaging in several ways. EDF have failed to address issues surrounding disruption of habitats for some of the most endangered species in the U.K. The internationally renowned reserve at RSPB Minsmere will be degraded. Insufficient consideration has been given to serious alternatives to provide our future energy requirements in a sustainable way given supposed commitments to building a green future. There is evidence suggesting that the socio-economic benefits put forward in the proposal are inaccurate and over optimistic. There are still outstanding issues from the consultation period which have not been addressed. Too many of the mitigations outlined in the proposal are basically “it won’t last long” or “it won’t affect many people” which is not adequate.