Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Andrew Turner

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of Westleton, I am concerned that the construction of Sizewell C will have a severely detrimental impact on the local area and wellbeing of residents: - the HGV, bus, LGV and car traffic will create significant pollution and congestion and road safety concerns on the local roads, the A12 and main roads in the region (the 2 village by-pass and Link Road will have minimal effect) - Westleton is already a rat run used by Sizewell workers and speeding through the village is common as reported by a VAR and our Speed Watch team; the project anticipates significant increase in traffic through the village - this will increase the road safety concerns, pollution and will negatively impact the wellbeing of villagers - the construction site will be the cause of 10+ years of noise, dust and light pollution in this Area of Natural Beauty - the site is susceptible to significant damage as it is on an eroding coastline liable to sea level rises - 2400 workers are expected to live on campus putting extreme pressures on local health, policing and recreational services - others are expected to rent locally impacting on the local housing market to the detriment of the local community - all of these factors will deter tourism which is the main local industry - neither the construction nor the plant will create employment anywhere near sufficient to compensate for the anticipated loss of tourism. I am also concerned that the plant will not be necessary once it is built as electricity generating trends show a significant move to solar and wind generation; moreover, the price/kwhour agreed with the Government for its electricity is grossly uncompetitive - consumers will end up paying much more than necessary for their power. - the impact of the construction needs to be measured up alongside the other energy projects underway for the windfarms - the cumulative impacts needs to be considered.