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Representation by Sheilagh Davies (Sheilagh Davies)

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. I, Sheilagh Davies, am a barrister of 40 years standing and appear under that name. I was married to the late [Redacted]. Under that surname. I have had a home at [Redacted] for over 35 years. Initially we had [Redacted] and had some conversion work done. When I sell or pass on, the two dwellings could be converted back again. 2. I wish to be registered as an interested party for the Sizewell C DCO. 3. In the 1960s the rear wing was adapted to form 4 dwellings; the Hintons retained the Tudor part at the front. The rear wing was built in the 1920s in neo-Georgian style by the Stabb family, with no expense spared. We were friends with His Honour Sir William Stabb Kt, QC, whose grandfather had commissioned the building, which created a grander house, sufficient to have 16 servants before WW2. 4. Our community at Farnham Hall (with the vicarage) is a highly significant part of local history and heritage and should be protected from harm. I oppose the western alignment for a bypass and support the Parish Council’s proposal for a more easterly alignment. 5. EDF need to justify the building of a new power station and why they are not also relieving Little Glemham and Marlesford. That new nuclear facility and Scottish Power’s windfarms will worsen traffic conditions but EDF has no sound justification for simply shifting the burden of traffic from the existing A12 to affect 20 dwellings, when the eastern alignment has a much more limited effect on the built and natural environment. 6. EDF has not carried out a good enough environmental assessment and has not recognised the number of veteran and noble trees (many oaks and beech) which its alignment will destroy. It has not even investigated ponds here or Pond Wood, which is ancient. Foxburrow Wood must not be put at risk with a deep cutting. There is abundant wildlife in this area so both flora and fauna will be harmed. The western alignment is too close to this part of the village and will also damage the walking network unreasonably, as well as the wildlife corridors. 7. The western alignment is not in the best public interest and the planning balance clearly weighs in favour of an eastern alignment. That will also better accommodate a later extension to relieve Little Glemham and Marlesford, if they cannot be relieved now. extension. 8. I reserve the right to amend, add to and expand on my objections during the DCO process.