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Representation by Sally Evans (Sally Evans)

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. I, Sally Evans, [Redacted] since 1981. I wish to be registered as an interested party for the Sizewell C DCO. 2. My property is one of the [Redacted]. It includes a pond and a grove of old oak trees, which has harboured owls (barn, tawny and little), kestrels, sparrow hawks and bats. It is untrue that I refused EDF consent for access. EDF’s environmental assessment has been too limited and should have considered the wider area. It is inadequate for that reason. 3. I am one of those opposed to EDF’s western alignment for the Bypass. The A12 traffic burden is will be worsened significantly through construction of Sizewell C as well as the Scottish Power wind farm projects. My objection is to the damaging impacts of the western alignment on the natural and built environment, including the risk of major harm to the ancient woodland (Foxburrow and Pond Woods) as well as the loss of notable and veteran trees. I am very well familiar with the area, since I ride my horse, with the permission of landowners. It is quiet and peaceful; EDF’s own documents record how appalling will be the impact. 4. We have a residential community at Farnham Hall. The oldest part of Farnham Hall is at least from 1602 and there has been a farm complex here for a very long time. EDF has failed to pay enough regard to the historic heritage of our community. 5. I entirely support the principle of bypassing Farnham and Stratford St Andrew but EDF has chosen the wrong route, with the more easterly alignment put forward by the Parish Council being a much better option; it will have a much more limited effect, rather than imposing the burden on 20 dwellings. Any bypass to the east of the existing A12 at our villages will take farm land and have some impact in particular on the Walk Farm Barn bungalow but the balance of argument for planning for the public good is clearly in favour of the more easterly alignment. 6. EDF’s counter arguments are unsound. A little longer, true, but still a significant time saving on coming through our villages, even with lighter traffic. That route will not pose the same risk to ancient woodland and indeed does not pass through woodland of that status. Costs for EDF will be reduced, without a deep cutting and paying less compensation. The western alignment is a severe barrier to the movement of animals. EDF should be using the savings to plant more trees, especially since Foxburrow Wood has shrunk from what it once was. 7. If Little Glemham and Marlesford are not to be relieved now, then at least the design of a bypass for Farnham and Stratford St Andrew should provide for a later extension, which would be more easily accommodated by the more easterly alignment. 8. I reserve the right to amend, add to and expand on my objections during the DCO process.