Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Dr Ian Patterson

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have a number of concerns about the projected Sizewell C: the main ones are as follows. 1. It is ecologically very damaging. The impact on Minsmere bird life (a habitat and reserve of international importance) and the ecosystems supporting it, first of all, and then the potentially damaging and detrimental impact (both of the long construction process and of the power station itself) on the whole coastal ecology, including marine life, flood levels, water levels, habitats, and landscape. 2. It will bring an enormous increase in very heavy traffic to a network of completely unsuitable roads; and the planned new roads, when they are built, will damage the landscape further, as well as destroying the homogeneity of communities and farmland. The impact of this, and the very large number of workers brought in from elsewhere—with consequential demands on housing and services—is estimated to reduced income from tourism, on which the area largely depends, by 29% to 40%. 3. The location itself is not well-chosen, in light of the above and of the rate of coastal erosion likely with projected degrees of global warming. There are dangers in this both to the generating capacity and to the safe storage of waste. 4. The construction process itself, which may well take considerably longer than the time EDF have estimated for completion, will have an adverse effect on the environment, increasing CO2 levels radically. I would also like to say that I would wish to endorse the Relevant Representation submitted by 'Stop Sizewell C'.