Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Graham Tomalin

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have carefully followed the pre planning consultations for the Sizewell C project over the last three years and attended local meetings held by EDF which explained the outline plans for the power station. In principle i do not have an objection against the construction of a power station at Sizewell, because of a number of factors such as energy security within UK and the requirement for non weather related carbon neutral energy production to ensure adequate energy supply if the wind/solar production is insufficient to supply demand in the future. However i have a strong objection to the construction process, in particular the movement of materials to and from the site. It has been repeatedly noted by the applicant in all the consultations i have attended and read that the view of the attendees have preferred the rail option for the movement of materials. I also strongly hold that view. Repeatedly EDF say they listen but to propose only 40% by rail and sea with up to 325 HGV movements a day to site (paperwork doesn't mention that's 650 trips including return) is not adequately taking into account the consultation. The main road to and from this area, the A12 north of the A14 is mostly single carriageway and not suitable. In addition the far more environmentally sensitive way to move materials is rail. The tracks are unused at night and are already constructed. This must be taken further into account by the developer.