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Representation by Gail Lee (Gail Lee)

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. I, Gail Lee, [Redacted], which is one of the dwellings created out of the [Redacted]. I wish to be registered as an interested party for the Sizewell C DCO. 2. I understand the rear wing was added to the very old part of the manor house in the 1920s. Being of American birth and upbringing and conscious of shared history, I have taken delight in living in a historic setting, as did my husband who sadly passed away last year. I am aware that Farnham and Stratford St Andrew are ancient settlements and that the Farnham Hall complex may well have medieval origins, being also close to a very ancient church site. In consultation documents, EDF has misrepresented the number of residential dwellings in the Farnham Hall area and its DCO submission still does not take proper account of the heritage legacy here. 3. I accept a justified need to bypass the A12 through our villages but EDF has simply chosen the wrong route for a bypass; the more easterly route proposed by our Parish Council is much to be preferred. 4. I feel for people in Little Glemham and Marlesford, who are being denied relief from traffic conditions, which will get so much worse. If they cannot be bypassed now, that should not be precluded for the future and the design of our bypass should reflect the highway authority’s continued commitment to achieve relief to those villages. That objective would be met better by the more easterly alignment, with an easier curve than for the alignment EDF has promoted. 5. Others will deal with EDF’s justification for a new nuclear facility but traffic impact must include that generated by the Scottish Power wind farm projects, which are passing through the DCO approval process more rapidly. 6. EDF has had no good basis not addressing the eastern alignment properly and instead simply shifting the burden of traffic from the existing A12 to affect 20 dwellings; the easterly alignment does much less harm to the built and natural environment. 7. EDF’s environmental assessment work has been very poor; failing to identify properly all that will be lost or damaged by its western alignment. Its project should not be allowed to proceed on the basis of the work it has done so far. 8. The public interest is not best served by EDF’s western alignment and quite the contrary. A proper planning balance clearly weighs in favour of a more easterly alignment. 9. I therefore object to the Sizewell C DCO but I reserve the right to amend, add to and expand on my objections during the DCO proc