Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Patricia Jill Sedge

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed building of Sizewell C must NOT take place. 1)I am very concerned that Sizewell marshes SSSI will be damaged because of the change in water quality which WILL happen due to the draining of clean ground water (Due to cut off wall for platform consruction) and subsequent refilling with run off water high in phosphates. This, according to experts, will be disasterous for the ecology of the system and may threaten SSSI status. 2) EDFE have not looked after the "New Habitat" it created at Aldhurst Farm.It is a total disaster and shows that New Habitat can not just be created willy nilly and left to its own devices.How can we trust EDFE to care for nature? The Habitat that Sizewell C will destroy or interfere with, has taken hundreds of years to evolve and is unique and can not just be "recreated". That is why its SSSI and the whole area is AONB.We have a duty to protect our world's natural resources not Exploit them.