Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Christopher Woodard

Date submitted
24 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to this proposal. It is improper to make any decision on this proposal at a time when it cannot be subject to proper public scrutiny due to Covid restrictions, precluding proper meetings. There are numerous reasons why Sizewell C should NOT be built, including; Inadequate provision for waste storage and decommissioning, Ambiguity and uncertainty as to all parties who will fund the development, As a nation we should be focusing on renewables, Potential negative impact on tourism, Two thirds of the jobs created will not go to local people, Loss of amenity for Suffolk residents, Undue disturbance for Suffolk residents living close to the railway line, Excessive congestion and pollution on Suffolk’s roads, at a time when we are being encouraged to reduce vehicle pollution. And many, many, more reasons. We don’t need this nuclear power station, and the residents of Suffolk should not be made to suffer such detrimental impact.