Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Charles Keyes

Date submitted
25 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Headings : Safety Environment and Business 1.) Safety. Evacuation of all workers, numbering thousands, local inhabitants, schoolchildren and visitors would be impossible in an emergency, the infrastructure as planned is simply not adequate. 2.) Environment. Due to the polarised nature, for and against, of this planning application, EDF have failed to hire any environmental experts or naturalists who carry any weight with SWT, RSPB or Natural England, resulting in mitigation projects that are not suitable for the job in hand, being over enriched with nitrogen, phosphorous and other pollutants and unlikely to fulfill the stated aim of compensating for the enormous damage tthat will be done to the AONB, SSSI and other reserves should the project go ahead. 3.) Business. Local firms are by no means all for this project and some hundred of them have written to the PM saying so. The only people in favour appear to be Union bosses worried about jobs and educators wishing to provide nuclear trained workers for the defence industry, for which they will be, no doubt handsomely rewarded.