Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Leiston Labour Party (Leiston Labour Party)

Date submitted
25 September 2020
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

Leiston Labour Party has 30 years’ experience of nuclear power in development and operation. We believe that EDF’s proposal to build and operate another nuclear facility at Sizewell (Sizewell C) lacks credibility. EDF’s current poor financial position, its record of failing to complete other projects, in UK and worldwide, on time and within budget make us fearful of the consequences of a decision to allow this proposal to proceed. The government’s energy policy has not been updated to reflect the increasing cost of nuclear power and to recognise the much more cost efficient and sustainable wind and solar power production. Leiston Labour Party believes strongly that there is a need for new investment in jobs, education, skills and the environment in Leiston and the surrounding area. However, Leiston Labour Party is not convinced, despite assurances, that EDF can meet these. Leiston Branch Labour Party opposes this project on the following grounds:- • THE infrastructure required to minimise the damage and disruption to the area during the construction period of the more than 10 years quoted in the plan (and possibly much longer period) will not be provided by the EDF proposals. E.g further road and rail improvements, sufficient funding for health, education, emergency and other services. • The proposal threatens the AONB, which in addition to its role in preserving the eco balance of the area, attracting visitors and supporting the local economy epitomises coastal Suffolk’s unique contribution to the diverse landscape of the UK • The proposal will cause irreparable damage to the world class nature reserve at RSPB Minsmere • The building of another nuclear facility on the Sizewell site will be vulnerable to the flooding and erosion already causing damage along the Suffolk coastline • EDF’s cost cutting approach to the building of Sizewell C threatens the food production and visitor economies of the area, and any increase in employment brought by the construction and running of Sizewell C, in no way makes up for the resulting damage and loss Furthermore, Leiston Labour Party is very concerned about the cumulative effect of the number of energy projects along this fragile coast - each bringing further disruption to travel and destruction of valuable environments. Taken together the threat to our area and way of life is immeasurable. We believe strongly that an overarching planning approach is necessary to minimise local disruption and environmental degradation and to make sure that developments are in line with an updated and affordable energy policy, designed to deal with climate change.