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Representation by Vivien Mason

Date submitted
25 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

3 main parts: 1. There is no evidence that a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) has been carried out. A search of SCC documents for papers to include the words Sizewell and public health draws a blank. A full HIA would address the issues of water supply, new jobs versus those lost, a loss of amenity land etc. • Local guidance: The Suffolk CC and the local Health and Well Being Board’ state that “It is helpful if the Director of Public Health is consulted on any planning applications (including at the pre-application stage) that are likely to have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of the local population or particular groups within it”. This would allow them to work together on any necessary mitigation measures. • National guidance: Planning guidance: Paragraph: 001 Reference ID:53-001-20190722 Revision date: 22 07 201 States the following: “A health impact assessment is a useful tool to use where there are expected to be significant impacts. Public health organisations, health service organisations, commissioners, providers, and local communities can use this guidance to help them work effectively with local planning authorities to promote healthy and inclusive communities and support appropriate health infrastructure” • International guidance prepared by World Health Organisation(WHO) 2020 “HIA seeks to improve the quality of policy decisions by evaluating the likely positive and negative health impacts from proposed programs or policies, and making recommendations to improve positive health impacts and mitigate negative ones. HIA stresses the participation of public stakeholders and provides for a social model of health and well-being in which there is an explicit focus on equity, sustainability and social justice, and a commitment to openness” 2 I believe renewables will produce sufficient energy. What evidence that solar power is insufficient? During the next few years battery storage facilities will be improved with which to store both solar and wind power. In Q1 2020, global use of renewable energy in all sectors increased by about 1.5% relative to Q1 2019. Renewable electricity generation increased by almost 3%, mainly because of new wind and solar (“International Energy Agency” Global Energy Review 2020) Although not as warm as South Australia, There is an increasing demand for solar and wind powered electricity in UK. The following recent quote shows the possibilities in the next decade [Redacted] 13/09/2020 · Over the past week, the share of wind and solar in South Australia’s main grid has been high, accounting for more than 100 per cent of state demand on occasions, and 79 per cent of total production. That brought the average price for the week to just $4.37 a megawatt hour. 3. Plans suggest the direct loss of nationally important and protected land on Sizewell Belts, a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The loss of this nationally rare fen habitat would be devastating, irreplaceable and in contravention of ” Wildlife and countryside act 1981 as amended” It is feared the building work will increase erosion. It will affect the water levels, hydrology generally and the clean versus dirty water ratio in Minsmere’s ditches, impacting its rare wetland wildlife. The ‘real effect is largely unknown when climate change and the speed of that change are considered.