Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Susan Morrice

Date submitted
25 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I believe that Site Selection is wrong because of the impact it will have on the environment and biodiversity the areas are designated as A.O.N.B and S.S.S.I The development is sited next door to internationally recognised RSPB Minsmere reserve and will impact on the wildlife of the area. I am concerned that local communities will be adversely impacted by the huge increase in road traffic, the increase in noise and dust pollution for at least ten years.The spoil heaps and borrow pits will destroy a rural landscape the surrounding areas will become industrialised. The impact of 6,000 workers on the hamlet of Eastbridge and the village of Theberton will be devastating on the local residents and the way of life of these communities. People living in the area will find it increasingly difficult to access Health care the current journey time to the nearest hospital is already between 45 minutes and an hour. Increased road traffic will mean this increases exponentially as will response times from emergency services.Should the only route the A12 a mostly single lane road be closed or grid locked then there is no way emergency services can reach the local communities. There will be an adverse impact on the tourist industry a major employer in the area and while the development does offer some employment opportunities it is doubtful if the number of new jobs will replace those lost. I am extremely concerned that if permission is given for Sizewell C to be developed prior to the successful completion by EDF of similar reactors we could find that costs continue to spiral and the development started and then abandoned. This would mean that local communities would be left with all of the negative impacts of the construction and none of the supposed benefits. I am concerned that we are leaving a legacy of nuclear waste for future generations to manage and them of the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the remote and beautiful area .