Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Christine Laschet

Date submitted
25 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There are many reasons why the building of Sizewell C and D is totally unacceptable, in this area. * The adverse effect on local tourism, employment and local communities will be immense . * The thousands of skilled people needed for construction will swamp this small location and provide only a small amount of employment for less skilled work for local people. * The whole area and road system is unsuited for the volume of additional traffic and will continue for several years. * It will destroy the fragile eco system where rare habitats and places of beauty exist at present -it be will be affected by light and noise pollution caused by much increased traffic , building and human activity. All of which will affect both animal and human mental health and general well being. * Building 2 more nuclear power stations on a crumbling coast line where dangerous radio active waste will be stored, perhaps for ever. * We are aware that precious habitats cannot be replaced easily - and therefore the possible extinction of flora and fauna. I wish to endorse the relevant Representation submitted by Stop Sizewell C, Aldringham Parish Council, SWL, RSPB, the Ramblers and Sandlings Safer Cycling Campaign. I do not think the Sizewell C application is suitable to be held as a digital examination .