Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mrs Karen White

Date submitted
25 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to register my strong objection to the Sizewell C Project My reasons cover many topics which will be raised by others: - Unsuitable site because of likely rising sea levels etc - It will cut Suffolk off from the rest of the country being virtually inaccessible by road - Economic disaster due to escalating costs - CO2 offset won't start for years - Environmentally a tragedy for the entire area However, my personal objection is for the use of the railway for transporting goods to the site - none of the potential problems to track-side residents have been mentioned let alone addressed. - Currently no trains use the line during the night - the proposed 4 or 5, 20-carriage freight trains running every night for at least 10 years will completely destroy normal life for those of us living alongside the line. - There has been no mention of investigating sound deadening - e.g super-quiet trains, no idling or use of horns, ensuring all track is welded or replaced etc.etc - There has been no offer to offer sound insulation to home owners although this would be of no use in the summer months when windows are open, or offer of compensation from resulting property de-valuation. All these matters should have been addressed by EDF prior to the application. A fair public consultation was impossible during Covid 19 as a digital examination of the application was impossible to a layman.