Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Mick Hart

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the Sizewell C Project progressing further for the following reasons: 1. It is morally unsustainable to condemn planet Earth to the long term hazard and legacy of this Project. 2. Large nuclear plant building in the UK should be scrapped before further generational issues are incurred. A moratorium on all nuclear plant building should be imposed. 3. It is incumbent upon government and regulators to pursue the future of SMR (Small Modular Reactor) generation as a matter of urgency to mitigate against the danger of large plants. 4. This Project is riven with negative externalities and ecologically unsupportable on account of the thermo-dynamic inefficiency of build materials (e.g. concrete), the unsustainable resources of nuclear fuel to power the plant, and the integrity of nuclear waste facilities to support this Project and the industry as a whole over time. 5. The Project is a disproportionate security risk in a volatile and uncertain political world. 6. The Project will be economically unsustainable due to escalation of costs involved, and this in a time of national and global uncertainty, unprecedented economic recession, and inevitable long term transition. 7. The Project is technologically unnecessary in light of less hazardous/more sustainable renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, tidal and hydrogen cell generation. 8. The Project does not offer substantial long term employment prospects in the region in the numbers that other generation methods do. 9. It is undesirable and damaging to the locality, the community, the social well-being and the natural environment of East Suffolk. 10. Stop this Project Mick Hart