Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Jean Hatt

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

How can we the UK be horrified at global destruction of the planet by others when we ourselves are going to tear down forests, destroy sensative marsh habitat, AONB land, RSPB bird life (harriers, avocet, stone curlew, SSSI areas all for a power station that is not needed in the blind persute of an energy policy that was construed 12 years ago when wind and solar was 4 times the price it is now!!! For us in East Suffolk who enjoy the biodiversity of heath ,moorland, beach and sea this build is an ecological and environmental disaster and damned dangerous on an eroding coast which has killed one person in a cliff collapse a mile south of Sizewell. Flooding is inevitable and cannot be mittigated against. The madness of a road led strategy will lead to horrific traffic jams as 1000+ lorries a day choke our roads. Suffolk and Norfolk have no major motorways and the A12 and A14 are single track roads in many places. Air and noise pollution is inevitable. The bypass at Farnham and at Theberton will be built at the same time as construction of SZ C&D so for 3 years or more build traffic will be using "B" roads such as the B1122. The reported problem of extensive fish and marine invertibrate kill on the filter screens as the cooling pipe sucks in millions of liters of sea water a minute has been solved. The solution as was found at Hinkley as a variety of deterrances were proffered and rejected was do nothing! Let them be killed and get a tame NGO write a report that it did not matter it has no effect. The effects to the local populace as we have seen at Hinkley has been devastating. Bridgewater is gridlocked, thousands of contractors bussed in from there, with covid is rife. Mental health is now an increasing problem so much so that the government is giving the Bridgewater council extra millions to help. EDF consultation during lockdown. A shambles. 56000 pages of generalities Nothing specific as stated on their thousands of plans. Experts in planning, engineering, rail, road who have been engaged by local pressure groups all say the same nothing specific we can work on with numbers unverified or unexplained. The amount of carbon emissions during and after the build. Lifetime emissions of a power station must include build, running including shutdowns, waste disposal, decommissioning. EDF Stats on this "lower then wind or solar" but they will not show them. NDA says disposal is solved????. The storage sheds are increasing at Sizewell and must be there for 100years before waste can be moved from C&D sheds. This build is in the wrong place and as a resident I urge you to take action and reject this application. yours Jean Hatt