Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Isla Campbell

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I might be only 18 years old but hearing about these future plan of Sizewell C project is not only extremely distressing for me but for many others. The negatives will overpower the positives in this project and it’s very worrying that our government and major companies are unable to see it. We have come to a point in time where our planet is being destroyed but climate change and Sizewell C will only make it worse, an irreversible change. Think of the nature, our countries beautiful landscape, the animals that inhabit the area... all will be killed by Sizewell C. We can’t afford to build something so risky, so capable of destruction in an area so beautiful and rich of life. There are so many other, nature friendly, cost effective options for energy sources. Think of the locals of the area, the pollution and everyday life they will have to endure. It’s a selfish and dangerous idea building Sizewell C, stop thinking about money and think of the people, their best interests, their lives. We shouldn’t be thinking of ways to destroy our country’s beautiful countryside, we should be thinking of how to preserve it, to look after it. We are already killing our earth, don’t be part of the problem, help us in bringing back the nature and the life. Sizewell C will do nothing but destroy and it will be too late.