Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Michael Laschet

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My Concerns about Sizewell C nuclear power station Longterm storage of waste on site * highly toxic radioactive waste kept so close to local people is unacceptable * a dangerous legacy for future generations * no progress made in storage and disposal of waste safely in the long term Negative impact on the local community * a campus for 2400 workers close to small villages is unacceptable * increased traffic will cause significant noise, pollution and disruption * tourism could lose up to 40 million pounds a year as visitors will be deterred * threats of drugs and prostitution with 6000 workers in the area Damage to the environment * threats to Sizewell Marshes SSSI status due to interventions affecting water levels * loss of rare invertebrates there too * the legally protected AONB will be divided into two by new roads disrupting the movements of bats and other creatures * scarce flora and fauna on the shingle beaches will be destroyed by the beach landing facility * the cooling system will adversely impact marine life * Minsmere Nature Reserve will be seriously disrupted by the proximity of Sizewell C power station * Aldhurst Farm is an unsatisfactory mitigation for delicate habitats that have evolved over thousands of years The poor track record of EPRs * Paul Dorfman argues EPRs are too complex to build to time and budget * the EPRs in Finland and France are not working efficiently or not at all * there are safety issues with the quality of welding in the high pressure boilers * a major fault in the design of one reactor will call into question all the others Sizewell C is the wrong project in the wrong place in my opinion