Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Clare Rizzo

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am completely opposed to the Sizewell c proposal on innumerable accounts. It is innapropriate to place a nuclear power station here, with coastal erosion and predicted to be an island within 100 years while there is still highly toxic material on site. Not something I am willing to put on my children /their children etc.The thousands of fish killed daily in the cooling system and the use of increasingly scarce drinking water which will be scarce already for farming and domestic in the future with global warming. The large scale industrialisation of Suffolk. Roads cutting communities in half and threatening wildlife in the AONB. The huge negative impact on Minsmere and Sizewell Belts-these cannot be mitigated against.Although we live near Woodbridge we like many others spend a huge amount of time in this area, also educating our children to care for wildlife in this highly respected, Worldwide, reserve and area.The resulting impact on tourism ,as a wildlife artist this affects me personally on both accounts.The huge increase in traffic. Funding this expensive white elephant ad infinitum while the renewable energy revolution is already here. Thats all without the cost of clear up of nuclear waste longterm (To where) and the always present threat of nuclear accident -doesn’t bear thinking about with this colossal amount of nuclear material. Not wanted, not needed.