Back to list The Sizewell C Project

Representation by Alan Collett

Date submitted
26 September 2020
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I fully endorse the Stop Sizewell C’s Relevant Representation and that of the Aldeburgh Town Council. For the sake of brevity, I will not restate them here but support their request that all their points be considered. My specific concerns are: Environment: It is proposed that Sizewell C be built on a formally designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and will impact on Sites of Special Scientific interest. This is wholly unacceptable – why designate these areas and then allow their destruction? These areas are our ‘Rainforests’ and should be preserved to help tackle Climate Change and their protection should override economic considerations. EDF’s failure to submit an Environmental Assessment during the public meeting stages has denied many people the opportunity to seek clarification on issues relating to the impact on the environment. Economic and Employment impact: The potential impact on the local economy is unacceptable. This development would be a betrayal of the contribution and commitment that the local community, businesses and wildlife volunteers have put into developing a sustainable tourism industry on which the region has developed its unique appeal. It will destroy the very essence of what makes East Suffolk the county it is - i.e. one of leisure, open skies and a valuable refuge for those in need of a place to find health and mental well-being. Throughout the world, the nuclear industry is in decline and to boost employment in this sector will give false hope to our young people as they find many of the skills they might acquire are not transferable to the fast growing renewables’ industry. Pollution: Sizewell C will bring extensive air, light and traffic pollution to the lives of local people and present a major risk to their health and way of life. Pollution levels will rise dramatically with the traffic congestion and construction over an unacceptably long period. Nuclear energy is erroneously described as low carbon - as well as emitting extensive pollution during construction, it relies on the high CO2 emitting mining of uranium overseas and will produce a dangerous toxic legacy which will remain buried on a crumbling coastline for future generations to resolve. The impact of these aspects has received scant consideration by EDF. Social Impact: Inadequate analyse has been carried out on the social impact that this scheme will have on local residents and services. To place so many workers in a campus in a rural environment is a recipe for unacceptable social disruption as was evident during the construction of Sizewell B. Sizewell C will have a significantly greater impact particularly on the elderly residents in the area who will be unable to adjust to the changes that this scheme will bring to the area. Insufficient consideration has been given to this aspect. Overall, the disadvantages to the region considerably outweigh the advantages. I consider the Sizewell C application to be totally unsuitable for a digital examination process given the complexities and people’s wish to express their concerns in an open forum.